Natural Language Processing

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Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) deals with the application of computational models to text or speech data. Application areas within NLP include automatic (machine) translation between languages; dialogue systems, which allow a human to interact with a machine using natural language; and information extraction, where the goal is to transform unstructured text into structured (database) representations that can be searched and browsed in flexible ways. NLP technologies are having a dramatic impact on the way people interact with computers, on the way people interact with each other through the use of language, and on the way people access the vast amount of linguistic data now in electronic form. From a scientific viewpoint, NLP involves fundamental questions of how to structure formal models (for example statistical models) of natural language phenomena, and of how to design algorithms that implement these models.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Introduction - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #2 - Examples of Text - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #3 - Funny Sentences - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #4 - Administrative - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #5 - Why is NLP hard - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #6 - Background - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #7 - Linguistics - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #8 - Text Similarity (Introduction) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #9 - Parts of Speech - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #10 - Morphology and the Lexicon - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #11 - Morphological Similarity (Stemming) - Natural Language Processing
Aula #12 - Spelling Similarity (Edit Distance) - Natural Language Processing
Aula #13 - NACLO - Natural Language Processing
Aula #14 - Preprocessing - Natural Language Processing
Aula #15 - Semantic Similarity- Synonymy and other Semantic Relations - Natural Language Processing
Aula #16 - Thesaurus-based Word Similarity Methods - Natural Language Processing
Aula #17 - The Vector Space Model - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #18 - Dimensionality Reduction - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #19 - NLP Tasks 1-3 - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #20 - NLP Tasks 2-3 - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #21 - NLP Tasks 3-3 - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #22 - Syntax - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #23 - Parsing - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #24 - Classic Parsing Methods - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #25 - Earley Parser - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #26 - The Penn Treebank - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #27 - Parsing Introduction and recap Parsing noun sequences - NLP
Aula #28 - Prepositional phrase attachment (1/3) -Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #29 - Prepositional phrase attachment (2/3) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #30 - Prepositional phrase attachment (3/3) | Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #31 - Statistical Parsing - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #32 - Lexicalized Parsing - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #33 - Dependency Parsing - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #34 - Alternative Parsing Formalisms - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #35 - Probabilities - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #36 - Bayes Theorem - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #37 - Language Modeling (1/3) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #38 - Language Modeling (1/3 cont 'd ) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #39 - Language Modeling (2/3) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #40 - Language Modeling (3/3)- Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #41 - Word Sense Disambiguation - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #42 - Noisy Channel Model - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #43 - Part of Speech Tagging - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #44 - Hidden Markov Models (1/2) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #45 - Hidden Markov Models (2/2) - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #46 - Statistical POS Tagging - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #47 - Information Extraction - Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #48 - Relation Extraction - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #49 - Question Answering - Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #50 - Evaluation of QA , System Architecture | NLP| University of Michigan
Aula #51 - System Architecture (QA) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #52 - Question Answering Systems (1/2) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #53 - Question Answering Systems (2/2) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #54 - Summarization | Natural Language Processing | Michigan
Aula #55 - Summarization Techniques (1/3) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #56 - Summarization Techniques (2/3) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #57 - Summarization Techniques (3/3) | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #58 - Summarization Evaluation | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #59 - Sentence Simplification | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #60 - Collocations | Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #61 - Information Retrieval | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #62 - Evaluation of IR | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #63 - Text Classification | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #64 - Text Clustering | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #65 - Information Retrieval Toolkits | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #66 - Sentiment Analysis | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #67 - Sentiment Lexicons | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #68 - Semantics | Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #69 - Representing and Understanding Meaning | NLP | Michigan
Aula #70 - First Order Logic | Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #71 - Knowledge Representation | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #72 - Inference | Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #73 - Semantic Parsing | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #74 - Discourse Analysis | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #75 - Coherence | Natural Language Processing | University of Michigan
Aula #76 - Dialogue Systems | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #77 - Machine Translation | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #78 - Machine Translation Basic Techniques | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #79 - Machine Translation Noisy Channel Methods | NLP | Michigan
Aula #80 - Machine Translation Advanced Methods | NLP | University of Michigan
Aula #81 - Text Generation | NLP | University of Michigan
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Module 1: Natural Language Processing

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  • Prazo de carência de 120 days**
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** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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